Join a Street Team in your Community! We remain dedicated to supporting neighbourhood businesses and the local retailers of national chains.

And, we believe in local artists, and helping them grow throughout their careers.

A key to our success in this mission is our ability to connect businesses, artists and fans.

Volunteer and join a Street Team in your community to do just that!

Promote on Social Media

Hang Up Print Media Around Your Community

Contact Local Businesses so We can Help them Get More Customers

Spread the word and be a part of the STAR Pow-R grassroots team!

Ready To Help Rebuild the Economy?


  • VOLUNTEERS: Volunteer to help bring this program to your community. With your participation, we can run a ‘Buy Local’ Concert series in your community and support businesses with a Digital Street Festival. Email us to suggest a new community if yours is not listed HERE! Engage your community, spread the word, become a local influencer, and support local businesses and local artists. Your expertise may even get noticed by your community leaders, helping you get hired and get back to work. You’ll make connections and be a part of rebuilding the economy!